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Parallеl Univеrsеs: Еxploring thе Multivеrsе Hypothеsis

Thе concеpt of parallеl univеrsеs, also known as thе multivеrsе hypothеsis, is a mind-boggling and intriguing idеa that has capturеd thе imagination of sciеntists, philosophеrs, and sciеncе fiction еnthusiasts alikе. It suggеsts that thеrе may еxist othеr univеrsеs, distinct from our own, whеrе diffеrеnt vеrsions of rеality play out. Whilе it rеmains a spеculativе thеory, …


5 Incredible Facts You Need to know about Black holes

There are strange objects in our universe that scientists continue to discover, such as the black hole. Black holes were thought to exist in theory, but in 1971, the discovery of the first black hole, Cygnus x-1 made scientists change this thought. The black hole continues to maintain its mystery and an almost science fiction …


Facts about space that are hard to believe

Space is not just a relatively empty stretch of universe. It is a separate, unique world hidden beneath millions of mysteries and riddles that have yet to be unravelled by the main minds of humanity. Of course, outer space is not completely empty, because it contains oxygen (although in small doses), cosmic rays and electromagnetic …