Did you know that if you stand on the equator, you will be exactly in the middle of the Earth? You might also be surprised to learn that due to our planet’s rotation, there are some pretty unusual things about living on the equator. For example, did you know that you weigh less at the equator? Or that there are more chances to get sick on the equator? Keep reading for more fascinating facts about Earth’s equator!
You weigh less
You might not realize it, but if you stand on the equator, you will actually weigh less than you do at any other latitude. This is because of the centrifugal force created by Earth’s rotation. The closer you are to the poles, the greater this force is. So, if you want to weigh less, head on down to the equator!
Unusual seasons
Another interesting fact about living on the equator is that there are unusual seasons. While in most parts of the world there are four distinct seasons (winter, spring, summer, and fall), on the equator there are only two: wet and dry. The length of day and night also remains pretty constant throughout the year. So, if you’re looking for a place with more consistent weather, the equator is the place to be!

Ciudad Mitad del Mundo Monument in Ecuador
Ciudad Mitad del Mundo, or the “Middle of the World, is a tourist destination located in Ecuador. The city is built on the site of the former Geodesic Mission of Quito, which was tasked with determining the precise location of the equator. Today, Ciudad Mitad del Mundo is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. The city features a large monument that marks the official location of the equator, as well as a museum that houses various scientific instruments used in the study of the earth’s rotation. Visitors to Ciudad Mitad del Mundo can also experience unique effects caused by the earth’s rotation, such as water draining away from the center of a sink. With its rich history and variety of attractions, Ciudad Mitad del Mundo is the perfect place to learn about and experience the equator.
More chances to get sick
However, there are also some downsides to living on the equator. For example, did you know that there are more chances to get sick on the equator? This is because viruses and other diseases thrive in warm, wet climates. So, if you’re looking for a place to live that has a low risk of disease, you might want to avoid the equator!
Constant daylight
Another downside to living on the equator is that it can be difficult to adjust to the constant daylight. If you live in a place where there are four seasons, your body is used to getting different amounts of sunlight throughout the year. But on the equator, the amount of daylight remains pretty constant. This can be tough to adjust to, and it can also cause problems like insomnia.
Egg gravity trick
The egg gravity trick is a popular demonstration that makes use of the fact that the earth is not a perfect sphere. On the equator, the earth’s diameter is actually slightly larger than at the poles. As a result, the force of gravity is slightly weaker on the equator than it is at the poles. This difference is enough to counteract the weight of an egg, allowing it to be balanced on its end. Of course, this trick only works on the equator; anywhere else on the planet, the egg would quickly fall over. Nevertheless, it’s a fun way to show off the earth’s unique shape and interesting properties.
Finally, one of the most common myths about Earth’s equator is that it’s a hot, sweaty place. But in reality, the temperature at the equator is actually pretty mild! So if you’re looking for a place to live that has nice weather all year round, the equator is a great option.
So there you have it: some fascinating facts about Earth’s equator! Whether you’re looking for a place to live with consistent weather or you’re just curious about this unique part of our planet, the equator is definitely worth checking out. Just don’t forget to pack your sunscreen!